您现在的位置:中增(深圳)国际物流有限公司 - 新闻动态
MSC订舱特别提示 |
新闻来源: 点击数:5647 更新时间:2014-05-23 |
1. 我司从2013 年 5月1日起实行一次性补料。提单补料提交后,任何提单补料\提单草稿\费用通知书的更改,将按次数每次产生改单费用HKD/RMB400/Bill ; 对于AMS & ENS的shipments,迟于提单补料截止时间的更改, 在改单费用HKD/RMB400/Bill的基础上,我司會保留收取SMA Fee (Security Manifest Amendment Fee) USD 40/Bill/Request之权利.敬请留意.
For S/I ex Chiwan &Yantian, pls submit to email group: eurbl@sprc.mschkg.com ;
For S/I ex Hong Kong ,pls submit to email group: sdlfreight@mschkg.com & tcfreight@mschkg.com
For SI format and more information regarding SI pls visit http://www.mschkg.com/export/shipping_instruction.html
2. 请务必提醒贵司司机/客户在还重纸上如实填写总重量(货物重量+货柜重量)
客户在还重纸上所写的毛重与补料时实际净重相差超过皮重(柜重)±3吨, 我司将在每票提单HKD/RMB200改单费基础上收取每个柜HKD/RMB500以及由此在中转港产生的相关操作额外费用。
Bayplan weight -客户在还重柜时在重柜纸上所填写的毛重 = 货物重量+货柜重量(如柜门所示)
Manifest weight –客户在做提单补料时所提供的货物净重(货物重量)
3. With effective from 1st July 2010, MSC will introduce a LATE Bill of Lading Pick UP and Payment Fee:HKD/RMB500 for all bill of lading no picked up 14 calendar days after vessels sailed;US$100 for all bills of lading not picked up or settled after vessels arrive destination;US$1000 for any shipments already released at destination under seaway bills of lading but local charges have not been settled. **从2010年7月1日起,请各位客户于提单开船日14天内安排付款到帐,并领取提单,若有延误,MSC 将收取HKD/RMB500以上罚款。
4. 提还柜SO必须一致,否则会产生罚金RMB700/container (YANTIAN), RMB440/Container(Chiwan) |